It has been well over a year since my last post! I had planned to be a regular blogger but other ideas keep creeping in and I find myself dipping in and out of things that take me away from my focus!.
Dipping in and out in the literal sense has been a great experience (albeit a distraction) this summer as friends have allowed me to try out their paddle boards; I am only at kneeling stage so I do need to invest in a good life jacket to gain more confidence. It was only a few days ago and we were all basking in high temperatures and today is the first day in a long while that I haven't felt compelled to be out there amongst all the beach activities. Now that I have a welcome sweat-free day indoors I will try and focus on just one thing...updating my business cards!
As well as my arty side I currently work with young people who are still yet to find their feet in the the world of career choices and employment. I often wonder how many people had any idea what they would be doing at a similar age and continued to stay in that line of work decades later? I guess the figures are low. I know people who are reaching 60 who still don't know what they want to be when they 'grow up', and I like their style! Many of us over 50's aren't planning to hang up our work boots at retirement age. We see the looming pension-drawing age as an opportunity for time to do the creative work we had always dreamt of without so much juggling and a bit of well earnt financial support.